Absolutely Sick 20 World of Warcraft Tattoos Ideas

World of Warcraft is an impressive gaming title. It possesses a fanbase of millions of people from around the globe. As a result of this fame, it is a great choice for tattoos lovers.

By following the trend of the global video gaming industry, World of Warcraft fanbase has also set its step into the world of tattoos. Resultantly several various kinds of World of Warcraft tattoos are present from around the globe on the internet.

Who Can Create Perfect Tattoos?

However, it needs to be mentioned that creating these tattoos with perfect precision is essential. The inability to do so will spoil the overall experience for fans. As a result of this instead of liking it, they will detest the experience. So only a skilled and experienced individual can make these tattoos as per the liking of fans.

Reasons That Make World Of Warcraft Tattoos Interesting

Firstly, World of Warcraft is a game that has been received acknowledgment from around the world. This is because of its wide range of options.

Secondly, the highly engaging and captivating nature of the game makes it a very popular gaming title.

A large Number of In-game Characters

World of Warcraft is an interesting choice for tattoo lovers because it has a wide variety of characters and options. Players have the option of creating and owning up to a maximum of 50 characters that are available in the game.

A large number of characters thereby provide an interesting opportunity for artists. The reason being that they can convert them into World of Warcraft tattoos. This is done for fulfilling the needs and wants of the fans in a pleasing manner.

Colorful Nature of The Gameplay

The developers of World of Warcraft tattoos have chosen a color palette that is highly attractive. It features bright and vibrant colors. These punchy colors make the overall gameplay highly addictive and engaging. In addition to this it  also makes it a one of a kind experience for tattoo artists.

The reason behind this is that it allows these artists to come up with new and unique ideas. These results in tattoos that are not only visually catchy but also highly attractive.

Why World Of Warcraft Provides Great Avenues For New Tattoo Artists?

For artists looking forward to stepping into the segment of making cool tattoos, World of Warcraft tattoos is a great choice. This is because it is perfectly equipped to handle such needs.

Examples of World of Warcraft Tattoos

Individuals looking to prove themselves as a real gamer need to link themselves with the title so that people recognize can them.

Furthermore, you will need to make your presence prominent. This can be done  by having visual attractions that can captivate the attention of viewers from quite a long distance.

Show Your Association With The Game

World of Warcraft tattoos is an excellent way to show your association with a gaming title. This is because they are capable of depicting your link in an effective and efficient manner.  

Want to take a look at a tattoo that is visually attractive and also portrays your link to the game?

The tattoo shown in the below video has the capability of doing exactly that. 

Ilidan stormrage

The black-colored character of the game is shown in the tattoo which covers the entire arm of the individual. The beast like character shown in this tattoo might look scary to some people. This tattoo is one of the big options that many people prefer over the smaller ones.

Georgeos Sylvanas

The tattoo shown in the below video has bright red color which makes it visually very distinctive. This tattoo is truly a masterpiece. This is because it shows a character from the game with blue eyes. Furthermore, by adding the red background, the overall impact of the tattoo has been made further impressive.

People who have an eye for detail will instantly observe how much hard work has been put into this tattoo. The attention to detail while making this tattoo is phenomenal. The hair of the character have been made perfectly. This has added to the overall beauty of the tattoo.

Horde & Alliance Tattoo

This horde and alliance tattoo contains black color. This makes it one of the tattoos that can be drawn on the leg of the beholder. It is quite big in size and thus is liked by the tattoo lovers who like to play big. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can make use of this tattoo.

Horde Bracelet Tattoo

The Horde Bracelet tattoo shown in the below image contain black and green color. In addition to this a slight tinge of brown color is also present. This tattoo is in the form of a bracelet and is considerably large in size. This makes it a perfect tattoo to be used on the legs.

Guldan tattoo

The next tattoo is Guldan tattoo which is quite hideous. This kind of tattoo is liked by only a limited number of individuals. The reason being that the creature features in this tattoo is quite scary. The primary color used in the tattoo is black and brown which makes it look sort of gloomy.

Credit: bloodlinezink [IG]

Horde tattoo

The Horde tattoo shown in the image below is highly attractive. The artist has done a great work by providing great attention to detail. The colors used in this tattoo is a combination of black and red. This sort of color combination is ideal for the image present in the tattoo.

Credit: strbojazarko [IG]

Illidan tattoo

The Illidian tattoo shows the beats with his green eyes. This arrangement makes the tattoo highly desirable among fans of World of Warcraft. The color combination of the tattoo is very attractive. In addition to this, the attention to detail is phenomenal and makes this tattoo very cool.


Lich King Tattoo

The tattoo is huge in size and is thus drawn at the back size of the body so it can fit fully. The brown and blackish combination of colors makes it a grim sort of a tattoo. Players of World of Warcraft will instantly identify the character of the game from this tattoo.

Arthas Tattoo

Individuals that are interested in high quality tattoos from World of Warcraft need to see this tattoo. The reason being that the fictional character shown in this tattoo has high attention to detail. The large size and blackish color combination make it a great choice.

Tyrande Tattoo

The purple, green, blue and reddish shades present in this tattoo make it highly desirable for fans. World of Warcraft’s Tyrande character has been shown in this tattoo. It is one of the large sized tattoos. Because of this reason, it is a great option for fans.

Orc Tattoo

This is another tattoo featuring a hideous character from World of Warcraft. The tattoo has high attention to detail. In addition to this, the bright colors present in it make it very captivating. Although the character it features it quite scary, still it is very attractive.

Thrall Tattoo

Most fictional creatures of this game are quite scary. The below tattoo also features one of these creatures. The color combination of this tattoo make it quite attractive. This is why such tattoos are very famous among players and enthusiasts.

Paladin Tattoo

This tattoo features the World of Warcraft character known as Paladin. The combination of red, yellow, green and black colors in this tattoo makes it very good looking. The character is gigantic and calls for a big tattoos like this one. Such tattoos can be used on the legs.

Panda Tattoo

The panda tattoo shown in the below image is an example of a simpler tattoo. The color used in this tattoo is primarily black and thus it is not a very visually attractive tattoo. However, it is very big in size and is thus a good choice for people interested in big tattoos.

Credit: swallowink

Frostmourne Tattoo

The tattoo of Frostmourne shown in this image has blue color. This tattoo is very good looking. Players of World of Warcraft will instantly recognize this tattoo. This is why it is one of the most loved tattoos for this genre of enthusiasts. The tattoo consists of several small units that combine together to form a big one.

Sylvanas Tattoo

The tattoo shown below is of Sylvanas. This is another important character of World of Warcraft. The combination of red and black colors has made it especially attractive. The tattoo is quite big in size and can cover the entire arm of the beholder.

Sylvanas Windrunner Tattoo

This tattoo of Sylvanas Windrunner has a number of colors in it. These include purple, blue, yellow and red colors. The bright and punchy colors have made the overall impact of the tattoo very impressive. Players love this kind of tattoos as they are highly disctinctive.

World Of Warcraft Sylvanas Tattoo

If you are looking for a highly attractive tattoo, then the one shown below is the best example for you. The color combination of purple, red, green and blue in this tattoo makes it a one of a kind tattoo. The tattoo is also quite large in size as evident from the image.

Shaman Shield Tattoo

If you are looking for a different World of Warcraft tattoos and want to look unique, you can try the tattoo shown below. It features a scary image and the color combination also adds further to the overall effect. This makes a different kind of tattoo that won’t be liked by everyone.

Credit: ant.jahnke [IG]

Troll Tattoo

The Troll tattoo shown in the below image is highly impressive. The bright color used in this tattoo has made it particularly beautiful. These types of tattoos attract the attention of viewers from quite a long distance. This is why they are especially famous.

Ideal Characters For World Of Warcraft Tattoos

Different game players have different favorite characters. Therefore, all kinds of characters are high in demand in the tattoo world. However, some of the characters that are ideal for this segment are presented here.

These characters are the best options due to various reasons. The following list provides an insight into the matter and describes why each character is the best.

Let’s discuss some of the characters of this game that are perfect for World of Warcraft tattoos.

Sylvanas Windrunner

The first character from WoW that is perfect for World of Warcraft tattoos is Sylvanas Windrunner. This bright colored character allows artists to come up with a tattoo that is attractive for the viewers.

Sylvanas Windrunner | WoWWiki | Fandom

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As evident from the above image, the character is also attractive. As a result of this many fans of the game would love to get themselves a World of Warcraft tattoos of Sylvanas Windrunner.

Such fictional characters are more commonly attractive for players of younger ages in contrast to relatively older players.

However, creating a perfect tattoo of Sylvanas Windrunner that depicts her beauty in the most befitting manner is a difficult task. This can only be done by a professional tattoo maker.

Illidan Stormrage

The next fictional character from World of Warcraft is Illidan Stormrage. This beast-like character with green eyes is a great option for tattoo lovers. A big tattoo of Illidan Stormrage is likely to cover the whole arm of the individual. This makes it an easily identifiable tattoo.

The purplish shade of this character provides a great look which makes the tattoo highly attractive. This is evident from the image shown below for reference purposes,

Illidan Stormrage | WoWWiki | Fandom

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Tyrande Whisperwind

Talk about physically attractive World of Warcraft characters and it becomes essential to discuss Tyrande Whisperwind. It is because this character possesses a highly attractive personality. This makes this character the tattoo of choice especially for female fans that want to show their link to the character.

Just like her name, Tyrande Whipserwind possesses a unique personality that is attractive for fans from around the world.

The below images are shown to give readers a better idea of what kinds of images can be made use of for getting Tyrande Whipserwind tattoos.

Tyrande Whisperwind | WoWWiki | Fandom

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The colored eyes and distinct hairstyle make the overall presence of this character even more pronounced.

Tyrande Whisperwind | Tyrande Whisperwind - Hearthstone: Heroes of ...

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Thrall is an important character of the World of Warcraft. This mighty creature definitely needs to be brought into the limelight while discussing the characters of World of Warcraft.

Thrall (Character) - Giant Bomb | Szkic, Przygoda, Pomysły

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  The body armor and hammer of Thrall give him a unique identity which makes the character unique.

Tattoo artists love such characters that possess different colors. They have an identity that is easily identifiable. It is for this reason that it allows them to come up with a tattoo that can be easily recognized by the gaming community.

Thrall is therefore one of the most favorite characters that have been very commonly used for tattoos.

Common Features Of Loved Characters

As explained earlier as well, different players possess different liking and thus various characters are the favorites of one enthusiast. Whereas another character is the favorite of other fans. However, here are some common features of the characters that are loved by all individuals in general.

Bright Colors

All characters that are the favorite of enthusiasts and fans for tattoos usually possess bright colors. These vibrant colors make such characters easily identifiable from long distances.

Unique Personalities

Different characters have unique personalities and possess certain specific traits. This makes them distinguishable with ease. As in the case of Thrall, the hammer is a feature that is unique to this character. It makes him easily identifiable. Fans usually love Such characteristics as they make their tattoos easy to identify.

Colored Eyes

The colored eyes of characters like Illidan and Tyrande make them very attractive. Tattoo artists are quite skillful in highlighting these features of such characters.

Big Sized Characters

World of Warcraft tattoos lovers like big sized characters as these characters fills up their entire arm or leg with ease. This makes these big tattoos look more appealing. Thus, fans show more liking for World of Warcraft tattoos that are bigger in size in contrast to smaller ones.

World of Warcraft is a world famous game. However, as the game has many different types of characters therefore it is one of the favorite games of tattoo artists. The reason being that it allows them to use these characters as per their liking.

Final Verdict

The World of Warcraft tattoos ideas shown in the above videos also depicts and illustrate how artists come up with masterpieces. This is the reason that the video game tattoo industry is seeing a boom. Furthermore, it is likely to undergo further development in the years to come. This is making more tattoo artists join the bandwagon.

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